SEO Myths You Should Junk This 2016

It’s 2016 and we’re closer to 2020 than to 2010. However, you’ll be shocked at the number of people who still believe certain myths about search engine optimisation and getting your website to rank on Google. Despite the sheer number of case studies conducted over the last few years, they still continue to believe these myths and keep implementing SEO practices that could harm their sites and overall online marketing strategy.

Tereza Litsa of Search Engine Watch compiled a list of SEO myths that are still prevalent. Whether you’re an expert or a beginner at SEO, she says it’s time for you to junk these myths now for the good of your site.

1. SEO is dead

Despite the popularity of this myth, there is no ounce of truth that SEO is dead or will be dead anytime soon. One obvious reason for this is that search engines are still around. Google, in particular, is constantly upgrading its search algorithm to provide users with better a search experience. As such, brands and businesses should still rely on SEO to create brand awareness, maintain visibility, and attract potential customers.

2. SEO is about using the exact keywords

Before, there was a prevailing belief that the more keywords you use, the higher your site will rank on Google. But since search engines are evolving, it makes perfect sense to adjust your SEO strategies accordingly. While keywords should remain a vital part of your strategy, Litsa said your focus should be on your content and its relevance to your keywords instead of using the exact keywords in your content. In short, you should put more effort into creating relevant content that will provide your audience with a good user experience.

3. SEO is about getting on top of SERPs

Although it’s great to be on top of Google’s search result pages, today’s SEO is not just about getting high search rankings. To succeed in today’s online landscape, your SEO strategy should put more emphasis on increasing traffic, engagement, and conversions. [Tweet “To make your SERP position more effective, you should focus on the optimisation of your content.”]

4. You get better ranking if you have more web pages

Back then, there seemed to be this persisting belief that “more is better.” However, with the recent updates on Google’s search algorithm, you should never sacrifice quality for quantity. According to Litsa, you can create as many web pages as you want if you think they  add value to your site. However, such a practice is pointless if your aim is to get better ranking. She explained that not every page gets indexed. If you want to get more visibility, you should focus on the overall site quality instead.


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