How to Keep Yourself Up to Date with Google’s Latest Updates

Nothing is permanent in this world except for change. Internet marketers and SEO practitioners probably know this better than anyone. With the ever-changing online landscape and with Google constantly tweaking and improving its search algorithms, these people should keep themselves updated so they can easily keep up with these many minor and sometimes major online changes. Otherwise, they might find themselves suffering from a penalty or a loss of search rankings.

But with so many things to take note of, how do you keep yourself afloat amidst an ocean of Google updates and tweaks? Doc Sheldon, co-founder of US-based content and SEO marketing firm Top Shelf Copy, has some pointers to help you out.

No 1: Read. If reading is not yet part of your daily routine, then you should make it a hobby. Follow and read blogs and trade publications that offer the latest news about Google’s updates and other useful tricks of the trade. In case you don’t have the time or energy to read everything they post or publish, Doc said you can use RSS feeds or email notifications so it would be much easier for you to identify the articles or write-ups that matter to you.

 No 2: Join forums and communities. Joining online forums and communities is also a great way to keep yourself up to date with Google’s latest news and updates. And unlike simply reading blogs and online publications, being part of an online community allows you to interact and exchange views and ideas with people who have the same passion and interests as yours. But no matter what community you participate in, Doc said you should join those that are filled with people who are more knowledgeable and experienced than you.

However, don’t take everything you read or hear at face value. Just because a certain expert told you that X is Y, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you should believe him immediately. Consider more than one point of view and then make up your own views and opinions based on what you have learned and researched.

 No 3: Watch the competition. According to Doc, keeping an eye on the competition is always a good idea as it allows you to pick up information that could help your business or website. He explained that “if a competitor that uses essentially the same techniques as you suddenly drops several pages in the SERPs, that may equate to a warning to you that the same could befall your site on the next pass.”

By keeping a close eye on your competitor, you can learn from its experiences without exposing yourself to unnecessary risks. This will allow you to act quickly, as well as to identify and make the necessary adjustments to your current strategies so you could avert disasters or potential problems.

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