Top Tips for Blogging

We all know that blogging is great for business, it sets you up as a leader in your field and is great for your website SEO. As a business owner you probably know your industry inside out and can churn out informative and insightful articles for your target audience – but do you have a procedure and schedule behind your blogging? Or is it something that occurs haphazardly? Here are my top tips for blogging and getting your content out there:

1. Post it on your website. This is the first step. The purpose of blogging for your business is to increase your SEO, drive traffic back to your website and position yourself as an expert in your field. Make sure you always fill in the metadata and choose an engaging picture that represents what your article is about.

2. Utilise one of the plethora of email marketing programs available on the internet (mailchimp, awebber, web chameleon to name a few) to draft and send your article as an email to your marketing list. You can choose HTML (which allows colour, pics and a design element) or a simple Plain Text style. Don’t make the mistake of sending the whole article to your email recipients. Email them a snippet or a separate intro to the topic of your blog, then include a link where the reader can click to read more. This directs traffic back to your website.

3. Spread the word on your social media channels. Make your post engaging and click worthy. Be descriptive, maybe pose a question to your audience or include an appealing photo. Don’t broadcast your blog over all your social media channels at the same time either. Stagger the timing of the post to get maximum exposure, and repost the blog on different days. Remember – you can make one great piece of content work hard for you rather than churning out tonnes of commonplace articles.

Google just loves new content and the more you can blog about your field of expertise and create consistency the more it will love you!

I blog on a weekly basis, send out a weekly newsletter and post content to social media at least 3-5 times per day. To be honest it would be a full time business if I tried to do it all myself! So how do I do it?

1. I create a 6 month topic planner

2. I have someone researching my topics

3. I have someone editing my articles

4. I have someone posting to my website blog, newsletter and social media

All in all I spend about 1 hour per week on this and it feels great when I see the content going out every week!

So, get out there, create a plan, get some help and start curating!

Sounds easy! But it is quite time consuming to do this kind of administration correctly and consistently. If you’re time poor, but still want your business to operate at the highest level of efficiency, perhaps you should consider a Virtual Assistant!

Authored by: Kristy Smith

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