Do you need to reduce your managerial work load while continuing to provide top quality service to your existing clients? Outsourcing this New Year will help you achieve just that. Read on for tips on outsourcing that will relieve some of the burden of work and insure a steady income.
Vet the Subcontractor Decisively
As the owner/overseer of your business, hiring a worthy and efficient subcontractor for your business is crucial. Apart from passing through the resume, get to know your subcontractor on a personal level. Ask yourself, am I comfortable with this person and can I work with them?
Get it in Writing
Map out the roles and responsibilities of each party involved and put it in writing in the form of a subcontract agreement. This contract could include pay rates, type of services required, confidentiality and so on.
Reserve Quality Control for Yourself
Especially in the beginning of the working relationship, check the quality of the work done by your subcontractors personally. You obviously have an in depth knowledge of your own business and know it best. A subcontractor might be good at their work but still miss out on minute details that are of utmost importance to your clients.
For further help in picking the right candidate for your outsourcing needs, sign up to our weekly newsletter and follow us on social media.