As a business owner, you’ve probably recognised the necessity of being ‘present’ in your business. You need to be around to make decisions, delegate and strategise how best to build your brand.
But clocking 80-hour work weeks month after month is an unreasonable expectation!
So how can you carve out a better work/life balance for yourself?
It’s all about prioritising YOU.
- Take a Break: Working all day without a break is exhausting. Take lots of short breaks where you get away from your work tasks, stretch those legs and re-energise. Taking a power nap is a proven technique to aid with concentration and endurance during a busy work day.
- Say No (sometimes): It’s tempting to take on every opportunity that comes your way – especially when you’re a start-up. But if you don’t have the manpower to do the hours, it’s better to pass up on some jobs and save yourself the inevitable burden on your time and resources
- Write it Down: You need order and structure to how you work each day. Planning out what you need to get done, what time frames you have to do it by, and setting yourself manageable goals will ‘de-clutter’ your mind and organise your thoughts. Clutter = Overwhelm, try to avoid it!
- One Task at a Time: Multitasking is all well and good, you might be checking your emails while you wait for coffee, or taking a client’s call while you drive, but be careful to avoid having too many tasks on the boil at the same time. You usually end up with lots of half completed jobs at half the quality!
- Be Strict with Your Time: This is an easy one – work time is for work, family time is for family. It might be tempting to check your emails on the weekends, or throw on a load of laundry while you’re working from home. But if you’re struggling with finding that work/life balance (and you probably are, since you’re reading this blog) it might be a good idea to switch off that phone while you’re with loved ones and be firmer with the boundaries of your time.
Managing a business whilst being a mum to two young kids, I’ve found that if you don’t split your focus, you end up reaping the rewards from both your work and your family life. Be kind to yourself and remember, it’s okay to ask for help!
If you’re struggling with the work load in your business if may be time to unload that overwhelm. Call me today to see how Virtual Outsourcing can lighten the burden in your business and help you achieve the work/life balance you deserve.