Super Saturday SEO – Top Google Search Listing Gets the Most Clicks, Study Reveals

Businesses, especially those that want to establish a huge online presence, have a new reason to stay on top—on top of Google search listing, that is. A recent study has provided another proof that getting the best ranking on Google’s search result pages enables websites to get more visitors. According to Chitika, an online ad network, the top listing in the search giant’s organic search result pages receives 33% of online traffic, while the second position gets only 18%. And from there, succeeding positions get less traffic.

Chitika wasn’t alone in these findings. A study last year showed that the first link on Google search result pages gets 53% of organic search clicks. Slingshot SEO also shared the same sentiment. In a 2011 research, Slingshot SEO revealed that 18.2% of organic clicks go to the top listing, while the second position receives 10.05% and the third gets 7.22% of organic clicks.

According to Chitika, its recent findings also showed a considerable decline in web traffic for listings found on the succeeding pages of Google search results. The study revealed that listings on the first page of Google get 92% of traffic from the average search, while listings on the second and third pages receive 4.8% and 1.1%, respectively. Judging by the figures released by Chitika, one can see a huge difference between the amount of web traffic that listings on the first and second pages of Google are receiving.

To obtain the results of the study, meanwhile, Chitika said it examined tens of millions of online ad impressions. Then, a user was referred to a particular website through a Google search. From the referring Google URL, the researchers were able to determine the position and the search results page the website was on before it was visited by the user.

In 2010, Chitika conducted a similar study and got the same results. According to the team that carried out the research, both studies have underscored how important it is for websites and online businesses to be on the first page of Google Search and get a top listing. The team added that it gives them a definite advantage over competitors that are listed below them.

As such, Chitika encourages online businesses to strengthen their SEO campaign as search engine optimisation definitely plays a vital role in the success of a website or an online business. By generating more online traffic, webmasters and business owners can have better chances of creating more conversions and getting bigger return on investment down the road.

Indeed, the studies conducted by Chitika and other reputable institutions are a great help for many online business owners. However, online marketers should keep in mind that they need to fully understand the methodology used in these studies. This way, they can use their own expert insights and come up with better and more reliable SEO strategies to further boost their online marketing efforts.

Need advise or SEO support for your business? Email Kristy here!

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