Super Saturday SEO – Google Rolls Out Better and More Intelligent Photo Search

google photo search imageWith Google, searching for your photos has never been easier. Just recently, the search engine giant has introduced a new feature that allows users to quickly and conveniently find their pictures hosted in Google+ Photos. As you may know, it can be quite a pain to find specific photographs if you have hundreds of them posted online. But with the latest Google update, finding exactly what you’re looking for is a piece of cake.

The new Google feature basically works this way. When you enter the keywords “my photos” on Google Search, you’ll get your own Google+ photographs along with dozens of other results. But it gets better. The recent improvement utilizes machine learning so it can provide you with better results in case you are looking for more specific photographs.

For instance, if you’re going to enter the search terms “my photos of food,” “my photos from Cancun,” or “my photos of children,” the search engine will show you photographs with subjects that match the search terms that you have previously used. This can be quite convenient because you don’t have to waste a huge amount of time sifting your way through hundreds of random pictures. This capability can also be used directly on Google+ Photos.

Many experts lauded Google’s latest improvement. In fact, “Android Police” in particular touted this new search capability as “Google’s best unadvertised feature.” Many experts believe that although the photo search has yet to be perfected, it is still remarkable and very impressive, especially if you keep most of your photos on Google+ or in the Google Drive ecosystem.

Indeed, the new photo search system has garnered massive attention from the online community. However, Google isn’t done with its recent updates yet. In addition to the photo search, Google has also made it easier for users to find things on their Gmail account. In October last year, the search giant tested the ability to search across all Google properties using the Gmail search box. And as of the last week of May, this new and handy feature is now available to all English-speaking users of Gmail in the United States.

Thanks to the new update, you can now find calendar events, Google Drive documents, and more by simply using the Gmail search box. Of course, you can also find specific emails in the search dropdown box.  What’s good about this new feature is that it is unobtrusive. It is a huge time-saver, too, especially for those who mostly rely on Google for their day-to-day online communications.

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