‘Markers’ That Can Help Improve Your Site’s Google Search Rankings

With stiff online competition these days, it can be quite a challenge to be seen and heard by search engines and, of course, your target audience. However, there are “markers” that you can utilise to make it much easier for Google and your target market to see your website. According to Rohan Ayyar of India-based E2M Solutions, changing or upgrading these markers can help improve your search rankings.

Responsive web design.
In a nutshell, responsive design refers to design code that enables a website to be “displayed optimally” on any device. If a website has responsive design, it should be displayed without a hitch and resized automatically, regardless of screen size or operating system. Rohan said responsive design is key to having a well-performing site, especially now that people are accessing the Internet via different platforms and devices. Also, it is a well-known fact that Google prefers websites that are mobile-friendly.

Customer reviews and ratings
According to a survey conducted by BrightLocal in July 2014, 88% of people trust anonymous online reviews as much as they trust recommendations from friends and family. This means that if you want to get better online visibility and more credibility, you should get your existing users to share their views about your business, then display their reviews and ratings on your website for everyone to see. To encourage people to review your business, you should make the process of rating your products/services much easier. Also, it would certainly help to give them incentives in exchange for a review.

Social media signals
If you want to get more exposure, you should take advantage of social media if you haven’t done it already. For starters, if you have an e-commerce site, make sure that each product page has social sharing buttons. Also, don’t put up a separate blog. Make sure that it shares its domain with your website. This, according to Rohan, will allow traffic that comes to your blog to “spill over” into your site.

Making your website HTTPS compliant has two major benefits. One: if helps protect your site from malicious spyware that steal user data, thus, making your website more reliable and trustworthy. Two: it helps boost your search ranking. Last year, Google announced that websites that use the HTTPS data transfer protocol will get higher search rankings. Since then, there has been an increase in the number of websites migrating from HTTP to HTTPS. It would certainly do you well to follow their example.

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