How to Optimise Your Web Content for Google’s ‘Mobilegeddon’ Update

google-mobilegeddon-smallAs Google finally rolled out its latest search algorithm update that favours mobile-friendly websites, webmasters and search marketers are doing their best to ensure that their respective sites are able to cash in on the benefits of Google’s latest move. But aside from improving web design and making it more mobile-friendly, it is also equally important for them to ensure that their web content is optimised for the tech giant’s “Mobilegeddon.” Here are some tips webmasters and search marketers like you should consider.

Tip No 1: Create clear and concise headlines

Content marketers should always strive to create clear and concise headlines. Even more so, now that Google has released Mobilegeddon, said Kelly Wrather, senior manager of content marketing at Kenshoo. According to her, marketers should avoid fluff and make each word count on their headlines to make their content more interesting.

Tip No 2: Take note of your URLs

In line with its mobile-friendly update, Google also announced that it is planning to update how it displays mobile URLs. As such, Kelly encourages webmasters and online marketers to structure their site data with the rich Schema tags to help improve relevancy, provide clear navigation, and generate more engagement.

Tip No 3: Follow the inverted pyramid style of writing

When writing content for your site, you should prioritise important details, just like the way journalists write articles on newspapers. Don’t make your readers do a lot of scrolling just to get to the main point or to the interesting bits of your content.

Tip No 4: Avoid long paragraphs

Keep your paragraphs short. According to Kelly, large blocks of text on a small screen, like in a smartphone for instance, might discourage someone from reading all the way through. Therefore, break up large paragraphs into smaller ones. Consider using lists or bullets to make it much easier for the readers to consume your content.

Tip No 5: Make your call to action stand out

Aside from making buttons on your site more clickable, Kelly also recommends prominently featuring your call to action. Make it known early on and make sure that your desired conversion can be easily made by your mobile audience. This way, you can improve your chances of generating more sales or attracting more subscribers.

Tip No 6: Optimise your content

Aside from creating mobile-friendly content, it is also important to ensure that your content is optimised for mobile SEO. You can do this by creating and maintaining meta descriptions that stand out, integrating important keywords in your content, and formatting your headings in an SEO-friendly way.

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