A large part of maintaining long term success in business involves taking the time to build customer loyalty.
Loyal customers can make up a significant portion of a company’s yearly earnings, which is why it’s so important for a business to not only focus their time and resources on reaching out and appealing to new customers, but to take extra measures to ensure current customers are fully satisfied.
Here are a few aspects that go into building customer loyalty.
Customers love to be acknowledged on a personal level. This is just as true for brick and mortar retail stores as it is for a digital based company. In a traditional successful clothing outlet, for example, a salesman will immediately acknowledge and greet a customer the moment they walk through the doors. An effective way to go about doing this online is through something as simple as an email.
Instead of constantly promoting, try to converse and connect. The first step towards creating a relationship with customers and building a base of loyal customers is through dialogue.
Reward customers to let them know they’re a valued part of that business. In order to do this effectively, put yourself in the customers shoes.
What are they looking for? A thank you card? A percentage off of their next purchase? A chance to be the very first ones to try out a new and upcoming product or service? And sure, rewarding loyal customers will cost something, whether it’s your time or revenue, but in the end, a single loyal customer can end up being worth hundreds or even thousands of dollars in yearly revenue for any company.
Customer Service
Customer service goes hand in hand with building customer loyalty. Contact customers and get feedback on their recent experience with your company’s customer service representatives. One bad customer service experience could cost a company a customer, which in turn eats up a lot of a company’s profit. It’s also highly advised to know exactly who you outsource your customer service to. The company should speak the same language as your customers, for instance, and they should have a proven track record. Customer service is an essential investment that goes into building customer loyalty.
If you have yet to find quality customer service representatives, feel free to contact us here at Virtual Elves for more information.
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