Freedom Runners Event


Join us for a special event screening of the 2013 documentary “Desert Runners” and help towards raising $50K to kickstart a Social Enterprise Business in South Africa. See the trailer here:

In South Africa 1 in 10 girls between the ages of 11-17 miss out on 4/5 days of school per month due to their periods.


Commercially produced disposable sanitary pads are too expensive for most African schoolgirls. A packet of 10 pads costs on average US$1.35, which is significantly more than the daily income of most working parents in Africa.

A girl absent from school due to menstruation for four days per 28 days loses the equivalent of eight weeks of school per year.

60% of girls and women in South Africa don’t have access to normal hygiene products.


Mimi Anderson (UK) and Samantha Gash (AUS) will be running approximately 80km per day for 32 days, that’s 64 back-to-back marathons.


The aim of the run is to raise funds for the start-up of a Social Enterprise Business in the Free State that will employ a dozen women to make and sell at a vastly reduced price re-usable sanitary pads to help keep girls in school. This is being done in collaboration with Save The Children who will oversee the project and also educate on subjects such as Puberty, menstruation, safe sex & HIV.


$50,000 this amount is the cost of setting up the Social Enterprise Business for 1 year. After that time the business should be self sustaining.

See more at

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The event will be hosted by Kristy Smith, Founder & Director of Virtual Elves. Kristy has admired Samantha Gash and her adventures for charity since she met her at an event 3 years ago and is pledging all proceeds from this event to the Freedom Runners cause.

So bring a group of friends for a great night out, have your first drink on us, be treated to a great documentary screening and buy some raffle tickets to win some of the great prizes our generous sponsors have donated.


Our generous Raffle Sponsors:

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Win Icebreaker clothing to the value of $250


Win 3 x 4 weeks of unlimited group training valued at $180 each

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Win a Running Assessment valued at $100


And many more lucky treats to take away on the night!

We would also like to knowledge everyone that has helped us get this event going:

Please contact Kristy Smith on 0408 054 554 if you have questions regarding this event.