How Can Google’s Hummingbird Update Affect Small Businesses? – Super SEO Saturday

Hummingbird, Google’s largest search algorithm update since 2001, is expected to significantly change the way websites deliver content to their target audience. The update, which affects about 90% of searches, is geared towards delivering better and higher quality search results. But instead of traditional keywords searches, Hummingbird relies on “conversational searches” to provide users with the information they need.

Many online marketing experts believe that Google’s latest search algorithm update will have a huge impact on small businesses, especially those that rely on SEO to drive traffic to their sites and find potential customers. According to them, Hummingbird will likely result in “a shift for business website rankings.” WebiMax President and CEO Kenneth Wisnefski believes that the latest update will level the playing field, allowing businesses that weren’t successful with generic search terms to get better web rankings this time.

Aside from leveling the playing field, Google also gives business the opportunity to expand their content, allowing them to have more topics to write about. It also enables them to use and update older content that isn’t appropriate for the “keywords in pages” strategy.

However, while Google’s latest search algorithm update can benefit businesses, many experts fear that Hummingbird promotes “Google-only user experience.” Instead of simply showing users the information they are looking for, Google will provide additional details and post them directly on the search results page.  Some experts believe that the search giant is actually stealing other website’s data. By displaying all relevant information about a certain topic, Google is preventing users from visiting the site where it obtained the information it was displaying.

As a business owner, meanwhile, you’re probably wondering how you are going to cash in on the Hummingbird update. Because searches are now more dynamic and Google is now going beyond finding pages with matching words, it is very important that you adjust your strategies accordingly. This will enable you to prove to the search giant that your website has the information that users are looking for.

According to Bill Sebald, owner of SEO consulting group Greenlane Search Marketing, you should consider as many queries as possible. You should beef up and expand the content of your site to improve your chances of landing on the first page of Google. “Content should now expand to cover as many meanings as possible to be more appetizing to the Hummingbird algorithm,” he pointed out.

And what should you do in case Google uses your data to stop users from visiting your site? Boost Rank SEO CEO Mike Evans said you should learn how to adapt. He said businesses, no matter how big or small they are, should always strive to offer their customers with things that will entice them into clicking that important link.

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