5 Tips towards Building a Great Relationship with your Virtual Assistant

When working with a Virtual Assistant it’s crucial to understand the delicate balance between the technology and the person on the other side of the computer. A VA is like any other resource for your business – they help to support, maintain and grow your operations. But if you want your VA to develop and thrive with you and your business you need to nurture the human aspects of your working relationship and transcend the systems and processes necessary to work remotely.

Here are a couple of Do’s & Don’ts that will set you up with a VA who will love working with you:

1. Do: Foster a Friendly Relationship

When you work virtually and converse mostly through email there can be a tendency to forget about pleasantries and ‘get down to business’ when you’re communicating with your VA. Make the time to ask about their weekend, their family and other things that are important outside of their work life. Fostering a friendly relationship with your VA will encourage trustworthiness and honesty.

2. Don’t: Go ‘Radio Silent’

[Tweet “Worst thing you can do when working with a VA is not communicate with them.”]  Be available to explain procedures, go through briefs and answer queries. Don’t be afraid to over-communicate your needs and if you are going to be offline, make sure you let your VA know, and plan for any contingencies that may occur in your absence.

3. Do: Encourage Natural Ability

[Tweet “Find out what your VA enjoys doing and actively try to encourage these talents.”] If your VA has an eye for design, get them to create some images for your brand like this one, if they are a people person get them engaging on social media. By creating a job role that includes tasks your VA enjoys and is good at you’ll have a happier, more fulfilled and motivated assistant.

4. Don’t: Be a Task Master

Sure, you need to be on top of how many hours your VA is working and what they’re achieving in this time. But you still need to allow for some flexibility. We all know that sometimes things don’t go to schedule, meeting times change, technology fails – your VA can’t always operate like a well-oiled machine. Focussing on results and allowing a little flexibility with your VA will encourage them in their work and help keep them goal orientated
[Tweet “Be firm in your expectations but remember to be human in your approach to working with your VA.”]

5. Do: Enjoy the Process

There are so many advantages to working with a Virtual Assistant – make sure you enjoy them! Learn to delegate and let go of those tasks that are really weighing you down. Trust that those jobs you think only you can do, can be done by someone else just as well! Spend more time with your family, go on holiday or build on that new business idea – use the space your VA has created for you to do all those things you’ve been putting off!

Interested in how you could reap the multitude of benefits that virtual outsourcing brings to business but don’t know where to start? Swing by our website for free resources and meet our team of dedicated Virtual Assistants!


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