4 Tips for Using Facebook for Business Effectively

Using Facebook for business as another means of marketing your brand requires careful planning and a thorough understanding of the website itself.

Here are 4 tips to help you effectively use Facebook for Business

1. Identify Your Audience 

When launching your brand’s Facebook business page, it’s important to know who your customer is. Take some time to identify your target audience to gain a better understanding of what they buy, what services they use, what they like on Facebook, their vocation, etc.

Find out what type of content your target audience normally “likes” and shares on Facebook, as well as how actively engaged they are.  After you have created an ideal persona for your target audience, you can begin to cultivate your Facebook’s social media marketing strategy.

2. Creating Your Business Page 

It is vital that when creating your Facebook business page, the page adequately reflects the look, feel, and energy of your website, as well as your brand. It’s also important to identify keywords that appropriately describe your business as well keywords that your competitors are using to describe their own business. When using Facebook for business, your page should contain these keywords so that new potential customers can find your business naturally.

3. Post Regularly 

Sending out random post’s with no clear consistency throughout each week can leave a negative impression on your page’s visitors, which will in turn affect how capable your Facebook page is when it comes to bringing in new business. Ironically, posting too much can have an adverse effect on your page and its engagement. In order to find the perfect balance for your brand’s page, you must test out different methods frequently, watch if your numbers grow, and examine customer engagement. Also, using a content calendar can help you stay on track of your brand’s Facebook posts.

4. Monitor Success 

By using Facebook for business, you have free and complete access to Facebook Insights, which is a nice little analytics feature available to a page’s administrator. Facebook Insights is an excellent way to track and view customer engagement and the success of each post. It’s a good idea to make it a habit to examine your Facebook Insights to gain a clearer view of your page’s overall performance and where adjustments are needed. To get an idea if your Facebook page is converting or not, your focus should be on the “Lifetime Likes” and “Lifetime Total Subscriptions” features located within Facebook Insights.

Although Facebook for business can be a powerful marketing tool, it’s important to note that there is no one size fits all formula for making your brand’s Facebook page a success. Begin small, experiments with different strategies, post on a regular basis, and make an effort to engage with the customer to improve your Facebook presence.

Sound like too much hassle? Not confident in your social media marketing skills? Don’t worry, feel free to contact us at VirtualElves where we can have your brand’s Facebook presence stronger than ever in no time.

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